Friday, February 8, 2013

Dream high...

Life always need us to choose and sacrifice something. In choosing, neither side is 100%. It is 50-50. Regardless of anything, you still have to choose. Don’t regret after making your choice. Work hard to improve 50% into 100%. Work hard to prove to yourselves that you have made the right choice” 
–Dream High 1

After making my choice from istikarah prayer, now I'm the 2nd year students in Audiology course. Now, I must to work hard to improve 50% into 100%. Now I know, Audiology is not easy as ABC and one of the most toughest course in Kuliyyah Allied Health Sciences. I need to work hard to prove that I've made the right choice. Only me can light up my entire world and future. Fighting!

to the audiologist-to-be,
never ever give up!!!
you have much time to study & to understand all the concepts, theories and practical.
Manage your time wisely.
‎"The key is not to prioritise what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." - Stephen Covey

bila tangan menulis,
Tahun baru, semester baru, dengan ujian yang mencabar membuatkan aku perlu kuat untuk menghadapinya. Kejayaan memerlukan pengorbanan, kesabaran, ketabahan dan sikap tidak mudah berputus asa. Positifkan kata-kata kita, insya Allah, kita pasti boleh melakukannya. Peringatan seorang sahabatku, Najah katanya, pesan seorang ulama’, “Setiap pagi bangun tidur, mohon keberkatan masa daripada Allah. Sebabnya, orang yang tidak berkat umur, Allah bagi semua tak sempat; tak sempat solat jema’ah 5waktu, tak sempat baca Quran, tak sempat wirid lepas solat, tak sempat nak study, susah nak focus. Tapi, bila Allah bagi keberkatan masa, semua sempat insya Allah. Harinya kaya dengan taat dan ibadat

Jangan lemah semangat, banyakkan doa dan usaha, moga Allah permudahkan dan sediakan beribu hikmah daripada semua ujian yang diberikan.

Banyakkan berdoa dengan satu doa sewaktu sujud di waktu solat dhuha.
Wahhabli ya wahhab, 'ilman wa hikmah. Warzuqni ya rozzaq, kulli musahhalan.

"Be strong, girl!"

Till here. Happy holidays (only 4 days!!!)

Planning: menghabiskan pembacaan buku Warkah Alam by Fadzli Abu Bakar & W.B. Rendra.

 Best song ever...
Love this song very much.
I can said that this song is related with one of the hadith from Rasulullah saw : "Ihfazillah yahfazka".
Without Him, we are nothing. Remember Him whoever you are and whenever you are.
Don't forget Allah.
-Kuatkan fikir, tingkatkan zikir- 

8th February 2013
-ihfazillah yahfazka-


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